Spring Cleaning Your Car After Winter Weather

Spring Cleaning Your Car After Winter Weather

Spring Cleaning: Preparing Your Vehicle For The Changing Seasons As the weather warms up, it's time to think about spring cleaning your car after a long winter. This is more than just taking out the garbage, dusting off the dashboard, and vacuuming the carpets. A thorough spring clean of your vehicle should include preventative maintenance and other services that will help ensure you have a safe ride all year-round. Let's take a look at some of the essential services that you should consider for your car this spring.  What is Preventative Maintenance, and is it necessary?  Preventative maintenance helps keep your car running smoothly by addressing potential issues before they become major problems. As the name entails, we are trying…
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Car Wrecks Happen: Here’s How to Protect Your Family

Image via Unsplash   Car Wrecks Happen: Here's How to Protect Your Family Nobody wants to be in a car accident, especially not with their loved ones in the vehicle. Unfortunately, wrecks happen more frequently than most of us realize. According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, around 3,700 people die globally in fatal wrecks each day.  Although car accidents are sometimes unavoidable, there are several things you can do to protect your family if you're involved in one. Frank's European Service shares some measures you can and should take regardless of who is at fault.   Check Your Safety Net Wrecks happen, sometimes when we least expect them. That's why it pays to be prepared. If you…
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Top Ways To Prepare Your Vehicle For The Rainy Season

Top Ways To Prepare Your Vehicle For The Rainy Season

Get Your Vehicle Ready For Winter In Dry & Hot Climates The rainy season is upon us, and that means it's time to think about preparing your vehicle for the wet weather. But, it's not as simple as all that. You want to consider a few key takeaways before preparing, so you can maximize your time and ensure you prepare for winter's worst the right way. Taking some precautionary steps now can save you a lot of headaches and money later on. Here are our top 10 tips to help you get started.  Rubber In dry and hot climates, everything made of rubber is at risk of failure. The low levels of humidity combined with summer heat make winter even…
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Thrifty Road Safety Tips for Parents with a New Baby

Image courtesy of Pixabay   Thrifty Road Safety Tips for Parents with a New Baby Once you're expecting, you suddenly become acutely aware of all the dangers in the world; your child will need careful protection in every aspect of life. In prepping for the baby's safety today, it's important that you don't sacrifice saving funds for her future. Being thorough and budget-conscious is best.  The proper car seat installation is even more important than most people are aware of. With all that in mind, it doesn't take long for new parents to realize that a car seat is only the beginning of protecting a little one while on the road. Here's a quick parent's guide to staying safe with…
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Is Your Vehicle Ready For Ski Season?

Is Your Vehicle Ready For Ski Season?

Is Your Vehicle Ready For Ski Season?  With a White Winter in the mountains and a chilly January ahead, there’s excellent powder just to the east in Utah. Ski Season is here again and promises great fun for those families willing to brave the elements together! Will you and your family be among the many planning to head for the hill this January for ski season? Is your vehicle up to the challenges of snow and ice? If you want to be sure your vehicle is ready for the snow, here’s a list of recommendations before you head for the hills! Check your fluids.  Ensure your brake fluid, engine oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, and anything else (power steering, windshield wiper,…
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